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What Are Deep Cleanings And Why Is The SRP So Misunderstood?


What Are Deep Cleanings And Why Is The SRP So Misunderstood?

A deep cleaning, or Scaling and Root Planing (SRP), are the same thing. While SRP is the technical term, many dentists have taken to referring to them as "Gum Therapy", "Gingival Bacterial Control", or "Subgingival Therapy" because of the increasing public resistance to deep cleanings. What is it really and do you really need one?


Dental Technology And Why You Should Care


Dental Technology And Why You Should Care

Unfortunately, as in most industries where the end product isn't technology, very little focus is typically placed on it. Sure, when you walk into a dental office you see a computer behind the desk that presumably does something relatively important, the brochure said they use the latest technology, and you can watch “The View” on the toe monitor at your feet—and this is about the point at which most people stop caring. However, both from the clinician's perspective as well as the patient's perspective, I think this is a mistake and I'll explain why you should care.
